Monday, December 12, 2011

How do you find your balance when life is so scattered?

I have many faults but I always try my best. Well lately things seem so cut %26amp; dry. I've lost my way on how to know where to draw lines because it keeps changing and it's scaring me. When your like this how do you keep your balance?|||Have some alone time. I don't suggest reading a book or anything, but try listening to music. Set aside about an hour. Everything feels bad because you are only focusing on the bad things. By wondering and hoping when things are going to get better, you are going to lose your balance more. People have faults, yes, but they are only as bad as each others.

When I feel like this, I just hit things one at a time. By focusing on one thing, its much easier then feeling all the pressure at a time and freaking yourself out. Things change and you have to get used to it, which I've come to abide by, no matter how much I resent to do so. I keep my balance by chilling out, and by doing this, I can think about things more clearly and at the end, I always feel satisfied.|||take time in the day to evaluate urself. what happened, how u u should have reacted and take it all in. meditate.

find out what u stand for, morals, beliefs etc. and stand firm. dont let how the world is changing, change u.

be confident in what u know and open minded about what u dont. dont ever let anyone try to tell u who to be. an ull be fine.

this happens to all of us. some break under pressure and some f=grow stronger from it.

which are u?

hope i helped|||Joseph Campbell stated, "The privilege of a life time is being who you are." Each human arrives here on earth with faults. To have faults is to be fully human. Begin by accepting and forgiving yourself for any thing that seems off balance to you and not quite right. Accept those things that cannot change and carry them with the pride, as they are what make you a unique individual. Next practice the art of being gentle and kind to yourself. Treat yourself like you are the best friend you will ever have, because this is true. People come and people go in your life, but you will always have you. What a blessing. Lastly create some special mantras every so often and use them daily as a reminder that you are a wonderful and precious person. If no one else sees that then it is completely and whole heartily their loss. Most of all embrace the truth that change is inevitable. We all change every moment of every day. Yesterday you were a different person than you are today. Tomorrow you will be different than you are today. And learn to love yourself so that you can freely love others. These things have helped me enormously so I offer them to you in the hope they will also help you. May your life be filled with balance, peace and joy.|||Every day I take a few hours were I listen to music just by myself to reflect on things

take care

dave|||know i dont know about balens what i do know is if your steresd dop yoga|||I get a hobby.

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