Limit two children and then sterilize people like they do pets. Limit population grow in wild areas and connect human population areas with eletric monorail systems so humans and animals stay safe from cars which should be phased out anyway. I'm sure there are other things we could do drastic or otherwise so what are your ideas for bringing balance back into the world?|||None of God's creation will be extinct in Eternity.Here and now,yes many species are,or will become extinct.Mankind however will not become extinct.The flesh (biological) body will no longer be in existence,however we will have a far superior body.It will be our spiritual body which does not age,or grow old, or get sick,or lame.It is immortal as it always has been since it's creation millions of years ago by God.
If that's "too deep" for you then I'd suggest you study the Bible in depth,because it is a fact as the Bible clearly states.|||We know how to control human population expansion. But just get people to do it. China did it. Of course the punishment for violating the law was server by Western standards. Religion is the one major obstacle. They insist in their archaic philosophy and in brainwashing the ignorant.
Balance is and never was in existence. The laws of Nature are based on chaos, not balance. We humans like to think balance, another of those religious principles. However, we humans are the major contributor to non balance in modern times.
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