Thursday, December 8, 2011

What are the areas of balance in life that people need to discover?

Balance is the ability to stand between two extremes without wavering and without insecurity. Those of us who have a few years on our belt know that balance comes with good teaching and with experience. I'm endeavoring to figure out what the different areas of life and character are that we need balance in, for example:

idealism vs realism - can't be too real and can't be too "head in the clouds" ideal.

Self-judgementalism vs self-analysis - can't be too hard on yourself, but you can't be lazy minded either.

Isolation vs individualism - we have to recognize our need for others, but can't get too caught up with the crowd either.

So what about you? What areas in your life have you had to discover a balance between two extremes of character that served you well?|||The balance between want and need. The idea of what you really want out of life as opposed to what you need out of life. It can lead to a very fulfilled or unfulfilled life. You want that millon dollar house when all you need is a roof over your head. Being happy with what you have and not worrying about what you don't have.|||personally for me i cant really point out where exactly the balance lies....its like all different parts of machinery are fit the machine works....but off late i have realised that its helpful if we determine what these areas of balance r and r strong and weak points.

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